Sunday, August 12, 2007

Colon Cleasing: An Essential Ingredient for Optimal Health

Colon cleansing has been done since 1500 BC by the Egyptians. It is both safe and effective for everyone of all ages, children and the elderly alike. Colon cleansing is essential to your well-being and for elimination of waste products and toxins. Doing a cleansing program is preventative healthcare; there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination. Colon cleansing can provide relief from maladies such as colds & flu, constipation, diarrhea, breath and body odors, headaches, sinusitis, allergies, hemorrhoids, weight problems, digestive difficulties, back and muscle aches, knee pain, poor eyesight, poor memory, stress, and the list goes on and on.


Learn how to activate your body's innate healing energies and restore a state of balance to your health and consequently to your emotions and life. The detoxification processes of a colon cleanser treatment are so important to maintaining a healthy balance in your body that many doctors consider it to be a key to personal wellness. Your body will function at its very best leading to a vast improvement in how you feel and, in turn, you can look forward to increased energy and vitality. Don't put off having better health and allow your body to function at its optimal level now.


Toxins, especially drugs, can damage or destroy beneficial bacteria, allowing harmful bacteria to take over producing by-products like ammonia, purines and ethionine, which can cause cancer. Toxins are more prevalent today than they have ever been before in our history. Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Proponents believe colon cleansing provides health benefits — by removing these toxins from their bodies, and boosting their energy and their immune systems. If you don't purge yourself of these toxins on a regular basis, toxemia gets worse and worse, until the body cannot stand it any longer and either purges itself spontaneously in form of diarrhea, acne, pimples, boils, 'liver spots', foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath, and so forth, or else it simply gives up the battle and succumbs to cancer, tuberculosis, heart disease and other fatal conditions.

The idea behind a colon cleanse system is to eliminate the toxins which have built up in your digestive system. British and American research last year also concluded that detox diets do no more than the body's own natural system to get rid of toxins. Eliminating toxins is foundational to our survival. Colon cleansing or bowel irrigation promotes optimum food absorption and improved peristaltic action by removing old mucoid accumulation and toxins. Colon cleansing is preventative healthcare; there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination that may cause cancer, colitis, digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and so much more.


I believe the benefit of colon cleansing are many, not only in terms of health, but also as it relates to appearance: the skin looks vibrant; cellulite, water retention, and blemishes disappear; and the whites of the eyes regain a youthful clearness. Some of the other potential benefits of a colon cleansing may include a decrease in gas or bloating, more radiant skin and hair, and an overall trimmer appearance. Other benefits typically cited by users are cessation of menstrual pain, migraines, and joint pain, fewer colds, resolution of lifelong sinus congestion, skin problems, and breast cysts, weight loss, and improved concentration, among many others. If you have already been diagnosed with any of these problems, it would be foolish not to proceed with some type of cleansing program because the benefits far exceed the risks. Colon cleansers can help restore our bodies to their optimum function, thus increasing the nutritional benefits we get from the calories we do ingest, increasing our metabolism so that we burn calories more efficiently, and increasing our energy levels so that we are more motivated to exercise and lose weight.

Colon cleansing is preventative healthcare; there is no better place to begin to rid your body of toxins and contamination that may cause cancer, colitis, digestive disorders, fatigue, obesity, and so much more. Cleansing the colon is a safe, alternative method to treat many of our symptoms and problems. It must be done regularly and often since we are constantly taking in more food which leads to additional build up of toxic waste in the colon. A healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes colon cleansing a must. Unlike many natural therapies, colon cleansing makes a lot of sense. A great time to start colon cleansing is always.

Until Next Time, Good Health and Well-Being!

Dave Kettner
Anti-Aging Herbal Remedies



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